Your all-in-one solution for managing watchlists, saving portfolios, and organizing screeners with unparalleled efficiency. Enhance your investment research experience in a matter of seconds and share your insights with your organization without hassle.
Let us be the compass that guides you towards effective portfolio management. Harness real-time data and cutting-edge analytics to uncover investment insights, evaluate market trends, and fine-tune your strategies.
Key benefits
Streamlined research management
Organized by you, available to everyone
Analyze, replicate or download with just one click
Key features
- Research What Matters
Efficiently track and monitor securities with real-time updates and customizable views - For Now or For Later
Create, save, and manage portfolios effortlessly, analyzing investment performance over time
- A Space To Save Great Ideas
Craft and save custom screeners to filter market data based on your criteria, empowering you to identify opportunities and risks efficiently
Process diagram
Add any asset to your watchlist
Save your current or future portfolios
Replicate your strategies to as many clients as needed
Product specifications
3 types of accounts
Infinite ways to organize your research
+1,000 people sharing research